Online Bidding
Unable to attend the auction on the night?
We’ve got that covered! Kivells are delighted to offer live online bidding for our property auctions. A modern way to secure your next property from the comfort of your own home. Using the latest, cutting edge technology, you can bid on your chosen lot in real time, as the auction takes place, without having to attend.

The Online Bidding Process
View Available Lots
First visit the Property Auctions page to view our current listings and to find further information about our auctions.
Legal Documents
By clicking on ‘Legal Documents’ within a property listing you will be redirected to a page with a list of auction properties. Click on the property you are interested in and you will be able to view extra information including the brochure and location map. The ‘Download Legal Documents’ link will take you to our Auction Passport site where all of the legal documents are held. You will need to sign up to access these documents.
Register to Bid Online
Bidding online is easy, to register you will need to follow these simple steps:
1. Click on the Online Bidding Registration button below to download an Online Bidder Registration form
2. Complete this form and return it to us with you ID
3. Provide 2 forms of ID to allow you to register to bid (see Notice for ID requirements)
4. You will be emailed your log-in details as soon as you are registered on the system (this can take up to 48 hours)
Once you have completed this you are good to go!
1. On the day and time of your auction, click the ‘Online Auction’ button below which will take you to the live auction
Please note, bidder registration will close 48 hours before the start of the auction, after this you will no longer be able to bid online.
If you require any assistance please contact your local property professionals today.