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Dockacre Road, Launceston, Cornwall PL15

£3,000 pa

  • Reference LAU240463


  • 562 sq ft workshop / store
  • Two external parking spaces
  • Natural light and good LED lighting
  • Close to town centre
  • Immediately available with vacant possession
  • Long lease available for the right tenant
  • Convenient access to A30 and local industrial estates


562 sq ft workshop / store having natural light and good LED lighting. Two external parking spaces being set close to town centre, convenient access to A30 and local industrial estates and immediately available with vacant possession. Long lease available for the right tenant.

Opportunity to let an industrial building suitable for a variety of uses, immediately available with vacant possession. There is some 562 sq ft of workshop space and external parking for two cars. The unit comprises a large workshop with double doors and service door to the front elevation. A long lease is available for the right tenant with a range of business proposals considered.

The former market town of Launceston on the Devon / Cornwall border sits on the A30 dual carriageway which is the main arterial route from the M5 at Exeter (42 miles) through Devon into Cornwall and has a better balance of travel distance to all parts of the two counties than any other town. The city of Exeter provides Intercity rail link, international airport and M5 motorway link, with the city of Plymouth (28 miles) to the south providing continental ferry port.

It is envisaged the successful tenant will take a three to six year lease term with rent payable quarterly in advance on the usual quarter days. The lessee will be responsible for full repair and maintenance of the premises plus reimbursement of insurance premiums paid by the Landlord for the protection of construction. The Lessee will be responsible for ensuring Compliance with all Local Authority Regulations in respect of the occupancy of the premises during the terms of the lease and for all outgoings including business rates.

The lessee will be required to give a solicitor’s undertaking to meet the lessor’s legal fees for drawing up a lease subject to a maximum of £1,000 including VAT.

For a limited company directors guarantee’s will be required. If a break clause is required on the sixth year lease this will be operable by landlord or tenant. The rent will be subject to upward only review. SERVICES Mains electricity. Alarm system.


£3,100 (Summary valuation - Valuation Office Agency - GOV.UK ). Enquiries should be made to VOA on Tel: 0300 0501 501.

What3Words: ///blush.duet.rectangular

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