One-bedroom detached rural barn conversion | Adjoining land approaching three acres | Opportunity to extend STPP | Requiring some modernisation | Ample off-road parking | EPC rating - E
DESCRIPTION A detached one-bedroom barn conversion with nearly three acres of adjoining land and offered to the market with no onward chain and set in rural position with ample potential and opportunity to modernise.
The accommodation briefly comprises an open plan kitchen/dining room, shower room, generous living room and a loft bedroom. Externally, the property boasts ample offroad parking offering access to a small level paddock at the rear and a larger paddock to the right.
LOCATION Occupying a rural position near the villages of St. Giles-On-The-Heath, Broadwoodwidger and Lifton which provide a range of local facilities including shops, post office, primary schools and public houses.
The former market town of Launceston is the nearest town, providing a full range of social, recreational and shopping facilities. There are good private schools at Launceston, Tavistock and Truro.
At Launceston the A30 spine road enables prompt access throughout Cornwall and Devon and links with the M5 motorway network eastwards at Exeter (a further 37 miles) which provides good road, rail and airport links throughout the country.
ACCOMMODATION: Timber door to:
KITCHEN / DINING Kitchenette with base level unit with worktop over incorporating stainless-steel sink / drainer unit with space and plumbing under for washing machine. Timber framed windows to the front and rear aspect. Ceiling lights, loft hatch access, exposed stone wall and tiled flooring. Door to:
BATHROOM Three-piece suite comprising shower enclosure with electric shower over, hand wash basin, close couple W.C. Timber framed window to the rear aspect, ceiling light and continuation of tiled flooring.
LIVING ROOM Generous sized reception room with timber framed door with sidelights to the front aspect, and two further windows to the side aspect. Staircase rising to the first floor with storage under. Continuation of tiled flooring, log burner, exposed stone wall. Stairs rising to:
STAIRWELL Feature wall showcasing exposed stone wall, velux window and wall light. Door to:
BEDROOM Spacious loft conversion bedroom with four velux windows, eaves storage access points, recessed spotlights, space for double bed and further storage area.
OUTSIDE The property is accessed over a private driveway offering ample parking for multiple vehicles. From here there is a gateway providing access to the paddocks at both the rear and to the side, both of which are level and stock fenced.
TENURE Freehold.
SERVICES Mains water and electricity. Private drainage.
PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN The proposed floor plans are not to scale and are for identification purposes only.
LAND PLAN The land plan displayed is for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon as a depiction of precise boundaries.
AGENTS NOTE Please note that the property is subject to a live-work permission with further information available under the planning number 1/1247/2018/FUL on the Torridge District Council website.
VIEWINGS Please ring 01409 253888 to view this property and check availability before incurring travel time/costs. FULL DETAILS OF ALL OUR PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE
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1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.
2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Kivells have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.