Private Treaty Sales

55 results
Added on 06/08/2024 | Ref: 2604 | Calves | For Sale

100 on Milk AA Calves - Steers and Heifers

100 on Milk AA Calves - Steers and Heifers.Contact Robert Speck for further information

Added on 07/08/2024 | Ref: 8 | Store Cattle | For Sale

16 Organic Store Cattle

August 202416 Organic Store Cattle Well grown and fleshed on the edge of Dartmoor. Some out of South Devon x Cows and some out of Aberdeen Angus x Cows. Would go away and do well 

Added on 09/08/2024 | Ref: 9 | Breeding Bulls | For Sale

3 year old Pedigree Shorthorn Bull

August 2024Pedigree Shorthorn Bull3 Years old, good natured, easy calving Bull. Great for Heifers. Ready now

Added on 19/08/2024 | Ref: 10 | Breeding Bulls | For Sale

2 Pedigree Hereford Bulls

August 20242 Pedigree Hereford Bulls 2 years old, tested and ready to go

Added on 30/08/2024 | Ref: | TB Restricted | For Sale

30 TB Restricted Weaned Calves - Charolais, Hereford & Aberdeen Angus (3m)

30 TB Restricted Weaned Calves - Charolais, Hereford & Aberdeen Angus (3m)

Added on 30/08/2024 | Ref: | TB Restricted | For Sale

40 TB Restricted Aberdeen Angus & British Blues (5m)

40 TB Restricted Aberdeen Angus & British Blues (5m) 

Added on 30/08/2024 | Ref: | TB Restricted | For Sale

60 TB Restricted Stirks - British Blues, Aberdeen Angus & Herefords (7-10m)

60 TB Restricted Stirks - British Blues, Aberdeen Angus & Herefords (7-10m)

Added on 05/07/2024 | Ref: 3 | Breeding Bulls | For Sale

4 year old pedigree Blonde Bull

July 20244 year old pedigree Blonde Bull A super quiet Bull who has been used on farm and Calves can be seen. Ready to go 

Added on 05/07/2024 | Ref: 4 | Breeding Bulls | For Sale

2 year old pedigree Limousin Bull

July 20242 year old pedigree Limousin Bull Super quiet, naturally done, no concentrates. Would go away and please

Added on 20/09/2024 | Ref: | TB Restricted | For Sale

50 TB Restricted Angus & Longhorn Calves

50 TB Restricted Angus & Longhorn Calves

Kivells. Leading the Field