Sale to include:
Store Cattle, Grazing Cows, Prime Cattle, Cows & Calves, Bulls, Stirks and Weaned Calves
PLUS Monthly Beef Breeding Sale
Draft Ewes, Prime Lambs / Hoggs, Store Lambs
Special Sale of In Lamb Ewe Hoggs & Couples on offer 30 North Country Mule Ewe Hoggs, all scanned in lamb to Texel Rams, due mid April onwards ALSO 12 empty North Country Mule Ewe Hoggs PLUS 30-40 double and singe Couples
9.45am Draft Ewes followed by Prime Lambs / Hoggs, Store Lambs & Breeding Sheep
10:45am Tested & Untested Prime & OTM Cattle followed by Store Cattle then Stirks & Weaned Calves
Gates Open 6.30 AM